Garam Masala Apples

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Garam masala apples

Christmas Plum Cake

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Rita’s Christmas Cake

Pickled Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe

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This pickled cranberry sauce goes with Thanksgiving Roasted Turkey. If you do not have the time (one week) to pickle the cranberries, you can make it with fresh cranberries. Recipe for pickled cranberries. (These cranberries are almost like the Indian Bor we used to get in India) 1 cup fresh cranberries, not dried. 1 cup […]

Apple Strudel

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Apple Strudel

Yazdani Bakery

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There are many Irani Bakeries in Mumbai, India. You must have heard of the Kayani Bakery, but have you heard of the Yazdani Bakery? Yazdani Bakery is an Irani cafe or Persian style bakery in Mumbai, India. The bakery was opened in 1953 by Meherwan Zend, an Irani baker. All products in the bakery are handmade, and baked in diesel ovens. The bakery draws […]

Eat Fruit on an empty stomach for maximum health benefit

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Eating Fruit on Empty Stomach This will open your eyes ! Read to the end; and then, send it to others on your list as I just did to you! Dr Stephen Mak treats terminal ill cancer patients by an “un-orthodox” way and many patients recovered. Before he used solar energy to clear the illnesses […]