Christmas Turkey Meal
Thanksgiving Turkey 🦃 series – Final Day 3
Thanksgiving Turkey 🦃 series – Final Day 3
Today, the beginning of thanksgiving week, we are thankful for everyone & everything in our lives 💖🙏💝 It is starting to smell like Thanksgiving in our home. We have started the brining process for the turkey. Thanksgiving Turkey 🦃 series – Day 1 Brine the bird Wash the turkey well, rinse and add the brine […]
Thanksgiving Turkey 🦃 series – Day 2 Flip the bird and stuff it.
Wash and Chop 2 long sticks of Celery.
Saute in 1 tsp of oil for 3 minutes. Cool.
Take out the Turkey from refrigerator.
Flip the bird in the pot and open the cavity.
Fill the cavity with sauted celery.
Cover pot and put it in the refrigerator.