Cake Dessert Events Mithai News USA vasanu

Donations for a ZAKOI Center

Dear Friends,
I pray all of you are safe, well and in good spirit:) I hope this year is much better in every way for everyone than last year!
Dear Friends, with your support of my Spring and Fall Fundraisers last year, I was able to raise $10,000 for our future ZAKOI Center. These fundraisers each year, with all of your support, are taking our community closer to our goal, and I cannot even express how incredibly grateful I am for all your support! Thank you all most sincerely! We know that with the progress we are making, it is a matter of some more years before we have our own ZAKOI Center:)
Once again, I’m reaching out to you to please support my 2021 Spring Fundraiser, to continue to raise funds for our future ZAKOI Center. Besides some delicious treats for Navroze, this time I also have hand painted candles and candle holders with Zoroastrian theme, which will add beauty and radiance to your Navroze Haft-Seen Table. Please see the items listed below that are for sale this fundraiser:)

The treats for sale are:

1 Badam ni Boi is for $18, or 2 for $35

1 Box of Toots (1 lb) for $18, or 2 for $35

Bhakras are $20 for a doz

Mava Cakes $36 / doz (or half Dozen for $18)

Vasanu $35/lb

Badam Pak $40/lb

Batasas $35/lb

Parsi Pickles made by E. H. Kolaas in packages:
400 gm package $30; 200 gm package $20
The Pickle flavors are Carrots & Raisins, Mango, Garlic Methiyu, Orange-Mango, Pineapple-Mango, Lemon, Bombay Duck, Lemon-Chillies, Mixed Vegetables, King Prawns, Green Chillies.
The Chutney flavors are Lemon & Dates, Mango-Raisin, Mango Murabba, Mango Chhunda, Garlic Chutney.

Homemade Masalas (Vindaloo, Sali Boti, Curry Paste, Akuri masala) in 1 lb packets for $30 each

Candles and Candle Holders with hand-painted Asho Farohar, Fire (Atash), and ‘Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds’ (see some pictures attached below) :

LED Candles (6″) $60
Glass hand painted Candle Holders (approx 6″) $50

Shipping and Handling:

I will use the most reasonable mailing source for you. A medium size priority mail flat rate box costs $16, and the large flat rate box costs $22. I may also use a plastic container to pack the mava cupcakes, the batasas and the bhakras, to keep them intact in transit, which will cost under $5 for packing cost.
Please feel free to contact me directly with your orders. My contact info is, and ph 513-560-0581 (text or call)
Payment: Checks can be made to Bakhtavar Desai, or you can send payments to me via PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. If you wish to just send a donation, you can make check to ‘ZAKOI CENTER FUND’, or use any of the other payment methods, too. I’ll send you a tax-deductible receipt as soon as I can.

Deadline to receive your orders: 15th February 2021, But I WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP IN SENDING IN ORDERS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.

I will start processing shipment of all orders from March 1st.

Please celebrate a joyous Navroze by supporting this fundraiser and using some of our products:)

Thanking you once again, and many good wishes to all of you,”

Bakhtavar Desai


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