Ukhadiche modak are made down south in Tamil Nadu too, only the name differs, they are called kolakotai (the 'la' is kamala'cha 'la'). Written as kozhakotais. And they have two varieties, sweet and salted.
Bengali Ceremony Culture, Festivals, Traditions Dessert Ganesh Chathurthi Mithai

Ganapati Bappa Moraya,   Mangal Murti Moraya

“Ganapati Bappa Moraya Mangal Murti Moraya!”

Ganesh Chaturthi 2023 will be celebrated on 19 September 2023 and Anant Chaturdashi will fall on 28 September 2023

Decorations and exquisite pandals take the front seat to welcome India’s most loved God.

The one thing that cannot be missed at Ganapati are the scrumptious modaks!

A journey from traditional to modern modaks do check out the modak meaning and metaphor.

Indian American Cuisine

Indian American Cuisine

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