ZAQ 50 Anniversary

In 2017 the Zoroastrian Association of Quebec (ZAQ) will celebrate 50 years of serving the community of Quebec with devotion and loyalty. It was the first Zoroastrian association to be formed on this continent. The world famous conductor and conductor Emeritus of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra Zubin Mehta is a Zoroastrian who started his career in Montreal and the illustrious Canadian photographer Sam Tata was another notable Zoroastrian of Montreal.
To commemorate this occasion, we are organizing a gala dinner at


Plaza Volare, Crowne Plaza, 6600 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse, Saint-Laurent, QC H4T 1E3

on August 6, 2017 at 6.00 p.m. for cocktails to be followed by dinner, entertainment and dance throughout the evening.

Tickets C$75 adults; Children C$35

For more information, contact us  or phone

Gev Karkaria +1-514-630-6065

Farhad Fereydoonzad +1 514-694-4453 or

+1 -514-971-4351(mobile)

We will be publishing a souvenir Booklet on the Zoroastrians of Quebec and we invite you to support our celebration by advertising your business and /or send a congratulatory message to the Zoroastrians of Quebec.


Please submit your art work in JPEG format and the text in MS Word. By June 1st 2017.


Contact us  for more information and detail

We look forward to your presence at the gala and to your contribution to the souvenir booklet..
In the service of the community
Dolly Dastoor Ph.D.
On behalf of the organizing committee



  • 6h pm:      Cocktail and social hour
  • 7h pm:      Welcome and Benediction
  • 7h15 pm:  History of ZAQ and its place in Quebec and North America, accompanied by slide show of Zoroastrians in North America and Quebec
    7h30 pm:  Live Iranian music with singer
  • 8h pm:      Dinner
  • 9h pm:      Bollywood Blast Indian dance group
  • 9h30 pm:  DJ Sam and dance

Plaza Volare, Crowne Plaza, 6600 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse, Saint-Laurent, Quebec H4T 1E3, Canada.

Direction & Map


The Zoroastrian Association of Quebec , the first association to be established in North America in 1967 had many defining moment s which were precursors to the founding of the Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America . (FEZANA).

The publishing of Gavashni , (editor Ervad Dr. Jehan Bagli) , the first Zarathushti newsletter of North America. distributed around the continent , the purchase of burial lots, compilation of standard procedures for funeral services , the compilation of the first North American Zoroastrian Directory , the North American Congress 1982 where for the first time Non-Zoroastrians in Zoroastrian precepts were discussed

This association launched the discussion on the standard Zarathushti calendar and prepared a compilation of opinions from across the world

The Mission of the Zoroastrian Association of Quebec is to perpetuate the religion of Asho Zarathushtra among the Zarathushtis of Quebec and to others who may wish to learn the teachings of Prophet Zarathushtra, and the scriptures , and to facilitate the performance of all religious ceremonies and the celebration of Zarathushti feasts.

We organize events which fosters a spirit of togetherness among community members e.g. celebration of Navruz, Ghambars, Picnics . Activities are also organized to promote the teachings of the religion through religious classes for the children , adult discussion groups, participating in interfaith activities , maintaining a website and a newsletter, participate in activities organized by other Zoroastrian Associations in North America and by FEZANA.



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