Almond Beverages & Drinks Blueberry Dessert Recipes Snack Special Diet Vegetarian

Yogurt Shrikand in Red White and Blue

Yogurt is hung to make it thick. Garnish with fresh blueberries, sliced almonds and serve shrikand immediately.

Makes: 2 Servings of Shrikand.


2 Cups Plain Yogurt
1 Pod Cardamom
4 Tbsps Sliced Blanched Almonds (optional)

Fresh Blueberry Fruit (optional)
Sugar to Taste

A drop of red and blue food color (edible color)


  1. Crush the cardamom pod and remove the seeds and grind the seeds into fine powder.
  2. Tie plain yogurt in a clean muslin cloth and hang it in refrigerator (tie the ends of cloth to the rack) for 6 – 8 hours with a bowl underneath to collect the whey. Alternatively, hang it above the kitchen sink for couple of hours and then refrigerate for an hour or so.
  3. Remove the thick yogurt and mix in sugar, cardamom powder.
  4. Divide into 3 mixing bowls, stir in red and blue food color in two bowls, keep the 3rd white.
  5. Layer each into serving cup, I used a cocktail glass for special color effects.
  6. Garnish with sliced almonds and serve shrikand immediately.

Suggestions: Use full fat yogurt for better taste.
Variations: You can also add honey instead of sugar if you wish.


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