Chikoo Dahanu Fruit India

Chikoo Milk Shake

by Rita Jamshed Kapadia

Chikoo Fruit and Milk Shake is sold on the streets of Ahmedabad, India. I used to enjoy this cooling and filling drink while biking back from school. The fruit milk shake laarivala has a stall with many fruits and are ready with their blenders to make a juicy milk shake on demand!

Serves 1

1 cup / glass of cold milk

Hand full of Ice

2 Chikoo fruit – peeled and pit taken out

Sugar if needed. I find the sweetness of the chikoo is enough for me.

Put all of above in a blender and blend till frothy.

Serve topped with a scoop of vanilla or chikoo icecream

Gholvad for Chikoo


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