I would like to wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Thanks for attending one of my Library talks, Local Author Fairs or a Cooking Class this year. Indeed, it was a joy to present India’s Parsi Cuisine and I hope you enjoyed the sample food.
Going into 2020 – We now have “The Parsi Cuisine You Tube Channel” Ta da !!! –https://www.youtube.com/TheParsiCuisine I have put some demos and videos of cooking and how to presentations here.
Some of the local Massachusetts libraries have cataloged my cookbook(see below) and it is available for borrowing from Concord and Carlisle libraries.
To those of you that purchased my cookbook, many thanks I feel connected with you and hope you had a chance to try making something from the cookbook. If you did, I would like to hear about it. Please do send a picture or the experience you had and what you liked and did not like about the food. Stories make my day!
If you do not have the cookbook/s, I will be delighted to mail you a autographed and signed paperback copy of the “Manna of the 21st Century: Parsi Cuisine” or any other book in the series. Specially new to 2019 is the children’s cookbook titled Cooking for Kids (Parsi Cuisine)with easy to follow recipes and simple tastes. Cheers Rita
Purchase Link. Copy and Paste in browser - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Rita-Jamshed-Kapadia/author/B00I2V9KKA
Thank you! Happy New Year to you & your family!