Eggs Main Dish - Meats Potato Recipes Turkey Vegetable

Eggs in crispy potato basket. (Topli na Eeda)

Baked egg in crispy potato cups for an easy all-in-one breakfast! 🍳

These potato baskets (topli) are made from grated potato at home (chemical free). Bake and cool and then fill with any filling of your choice. I chose eggs here since I like the protein they provide. If you are a vegetarian you can use paneer instead of eggs.

Other fillings can be vegetables saute’d earlier. Spiced meats like ground mutton, chicken turkey, beef.

Ingredients (This recipe serves one person. Please increase ingredients per person)

1 Egg

1 baked potato (grated when cool)

3 tsp Ground Turkey

1 tsp chopped green pepper

1 tsp chopped green coriander

1/2 tsp black pepper and salt


Muffin Pan

Oil as needed

Bake potato @ 400 F for 30 minutes. Grate.
Add salt and pepper to taste.

Add the turkey mixed with peppers and coriander and saute for 5 minutes till cooked.
Oil muffin pan and line the cup with grated potato.
Bake at 400 F for 10 minutes or till brown.
Break an egg and bake till egg is cooked – 3 minutes or until desired.

While hot, lift the basket & egg out gently. I find it best to make and serve right away for the that runny egg yolk!

Serve in an heat-proof container while hot.


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