The Carlisle Gleason Public Library Presentation and Feature Story

By Rita No comments

The event was wonderful! It was a pleasure to share my history and heritage with the Carlisle town folk, who attended this even with the cold weather in January. There was a ice and snow storm going on outdoors, but warm, hot and spicy food was had by all indoors.

The library staff was so thoughtful on that day. I had prepared about 9 dishes and had platters to carry! They provided a cart which we wheeled into the elevator and went up. The table was setup with the tablecloth and chairs were laid out. It is an blessing to be part of this lovely town.
I was so happy to get a lot of questions, and a very good discussion ensued with people sharing stories and experiences.  Everyone munched on the food and it made me proud when they took some samples home. All food samples were made using the recipes from my cookbook.

After the event, my daughter said it all! “Great lessons learned and tasty food shared! Great job, Mom!!! “

The Carlisle Mosquito (newspaper of the town of Carlisle, MA) published a feature interview, you can read it here. (click on link). Thanks Anne! 

Jim took a video and photographs:





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