Parsi Cuisine and Ashdeen Lilaowala meet in a cup

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Wow Parsi Cuisine and Ashdeen Lilaowala meet in a cup! Fudna ni Choy Recipe and Video Chai is the common equalizer in India – from the rich to the poor. No matter what their position in life, an Indian relishes a cup of tea. The rich ones have their tea served in fancy tea-pots, delicate porcelain cups on well […]

Dotivala Bakery completes 159 years – one of the longest surviving businesses in India.

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Considering India just celebrated its independence of 70 years from the British Raj, this makes the bakery one of the longest surviving and thriving business in modern day India. During their reign in India, the Dutch established in Surat a warehouse on Dutch Road, in which five Parsi gentlemen were employed as bakers. When the […]