On this new episode Ep. 07: The Funny Parsis, Bawi Bride Perzen Patel talks to two famous television personalities, Cyrus Broacha and Kunal Vijaykar about their childhood memories around Parsi food.
Together, they recall the Parsi food from popular food joints and neighbourhood gullies they grew up in. Cyrus, Kunal and Perzen also talk about the “Parsi Vegetarian” and discuss how today’s Parsi is different from that of a decade ago.
What are the multiple ways of having and making Dhansak? How many different akuris have they had? This laughter filled episode has conversations about Irani cafes, food walks and all things Bhonu. It’s nostalgic and at the same time celebrates the evolution of Parsi food. So without further ado, come join Kunal, Cyrus and Bawi Bride on this trip down memory lane.
Mehru Jangalwala
Jun 6, 2019, 1:23 amGreat. Keep up the good show