Health Effects of Garlic and how it is used in Parsi Food.

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From Dhanshak to Akuri parsi food uses a lot of garlic.

In Scrambled Eggs

In Fish Paatiyo

In Patra ni Maachi Chutney

Parsi Cuisine uses Garlic as one of it staples. Parsis love Garlic and Eggs, Garlic and Fish, Garlic and Meat. You name it except in desserts garlic ic used.

Basic Staple is a garlic + ginger paste called Adoo Lasan (Adoo means Ginger and Lasan means Garlic in Gujarati and Hindi languages). Basic Staple is a garlic + marchu paste called Adoo Lasan

Marchu Lasan.

Another Basic Staple is a garlic + marchu paste called Marchu Lasan. (Marchu means green chilli pepper and Lasan means Garlic in Gujarati and Hindi languages).

Health Effects of Garlic is that it lowers Cholestrol.

Stay tuned, more research coming soon.

Books available on Amazon Manna of the 21st Century: Parsi Cuisine Paperback Hardcover Indian Parsi Kitchen Celebrations: Celebrating Zoroastrian Festivals and Traditions Dhansak: Parsi Cuisine

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